Many plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Which statement below best describes why one method might be more beneficial than the other? Sexual reproduction guarantees that two
O plants will provide nourishment for new plantlets.
Asexual reproduction
O the proclant of finding
a mate.
Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to
O help them survive in a
changing environment.
Asexual reproduction
• have blants o avoid
their offspring.

Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

The statement that best describes why one method of reproduction might be more beneficial than the other is: "Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment."

The statement "Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment" best describes why sexual reproduction might be more beneficial than asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the union of gametes from two parent plants, which results in genetic recombination. This recombination creates offspring with a unique combination of traits, increasing genetic variation within a population. This genetic variation can be advantageous for plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions or to better resist diseases and pests. In contrast, asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant, limiting the potential for adaptation and diversity. Hence, sexual reproduction provides plants with the ability to introduce new genetic variations and enhance their chances of survival in a changing environment.