A crotchet + Semibreve+Nimin-=

This is not a valid musical notation.

A crotchet (quarter note) and a semibreve (whole note) are both types of note durations in music. However, "Nimin" is not a recognized term in music notation. It is possible that you may be referring to a different term or a typo.

If you have a specific question or if there is additional information you can provide, I would be happy to help you further.

I'm sorry, but it seems like your question is incomplete or has some incorrect musical notation. Can you please provide more information or clarify the notation you are using?

I think there might be a mistake in the notation you've provided. Let's break down each term you mentioned:

1. Crotchet: In music notation, a crotchet is a quarter note, which is typically labeled as a filled-in oval shape on the staff. It represents the duration of a quarter of a whole note. If you're referring to a single crotchet, its duration is relative to the tempo of the music.

2. Semibreve: A semibreve is a whole note, represented by an open, hollow oval shape on the staff. It is considered to be the longest basic duration in music, often spanning four beats in common time (4/4).

3. Nimin: I'm not familiar with the term "nimin" in relation to music notation. It's possible that it could be a misspelling or a typo.

Therefore, without knowing the specifics of "Nimin" in this context, it's challenging to determine exactly what you are referring to. If you provide more information or clarify the notation, I would be happy to help you further.