Which of the following function is used to play audio?

None of the options




None of the options

The correct option is "play()".

None of the options provided is a built-in function that is commonly used to play audio in programming languages.

The correct answer would depend on the programming language you are using. For example, in JavaScript, you would typically use the `play()` method of an `Audio` object to play audio. In Python, you can use different libraries such as `pygame`, `pyaudio`, or `simpleaudio` to play audio.

To play audio in JavaScript, you need to create an `Audio` object and then call the `play()` method on it, like this:

var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3');

In Python, using the `pygame` library, you would first initialize the library, load the audio file, and then play it, like this:

import pygame


audio = pygame.mixer.Sound('audio_file.wav')

Keep in mind that these are just examples, and the specific approach may vary depending on the programming language and libraries you are using.