A boy was sent to the bank to change 5605 kobo into one naira note. How many naira notes would he bring home?

To change 5605 kobo into one naira notes, divide 5605 by 100 (since there are 100 kobo in one naira).

5605 / 100 = 56.05

Therefore, the boy would bring home 56 one naira notes.

To find out how many naira notes the boy would bring home, we need to divide the amount of kobo by 100, since there are 100 kobo in one naira.

So, 5605 kobo ÷ 100 = 56.05 naira.

Since the boy cannot bring home a fraction of a naira note, he would bring home 56 naira notes.

To calculate how many naira notes the boy would bring home after changing 5605 kobo, we need to convert kobo to naira.

First, we need to know the conversion rate: 100 kobo is equal to 1 naira.

To convert 5605 kobo to naira, we divide the amount by 100:
5605 kobo ÷ 100 = 56.05 naira

So, the boy would have 56.05 naira after changing the kobo.

Since the boy can only receive complete naira notes, we'll need to round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the boy would bring home 56 naira notes.