Ruthie plays on a travel soccer league. For every 7 shots she takes on goal, she scores twice. If she scores 8 times, how many shots on goal did she take?

(1 point)

36 shots
36 shots
56 shots
56 shots
28 shots
28 shots
8 shots

To find out how many shots on goal Ruthie took, we can set up a proportion using the ratio of shots to goals.

If Ruthie scores 2 goals for every 7 shots, we can set up the proportion:

2 goals / 7 shots = 8 goals / x shots

Cross-multiplying, we have:

2 * x = 8 * 7

2x = 56

Dividing both sides by 2, we find:

x = 28

Therefore, Ruthie took 28 shots on goal.

To find the number of shots on goal Ruthie took, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that for every 7 shots she takes, she scores twice. So, the proportion can be set up as:

7 shots / 2 goals = x shots / 8 goals

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

2 * x = 7 * 8
2x = 56

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 56 / 2
x = 28

Therefore, Ruthie took 28 shots on goal.

To find out how many shots on goal Ruthie took, we can use the given information that for every 7 shots she takes, she scores twice.

Let's set up a ratio with shots taken to goals scored. Since she scores twice in every 7 shots, the ratio would be 7 shots: 2 goals.

We can then set up a proportion to solve for the total number of shots. The proportion would be:

7 shots / 2 goals = x shots / 8 goals

Cross multiplying, we get:

(7 shots)(8 goals) = (2 goals)(x shots)

56 shots = 2x

Divide both sides by 2:

56 shots / 2 = 2x / 2

28 shots = x

Therefore, Ruthie took 28 shots on goal.

So, the correct answer is 28 shots.