Which of the following statements are true?

Check all that are true.

Asides are directed at the audience, rather than other characters.

Soliloquies are speeches given before the whole cast of characters.

Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.

Monologues are conversations between two or more characters.

- Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.

- Monologues are conversations between two or more characters.

To determine which statements are true, let's go through each one individually:

1. Asides are directed at the audience, rather than other characters.
True. Asides are short comments or thoughts spoken directly to the audience, often revealing the character's inner thoughts or feelings. They are not meant to be heard by the other characters on stage.

2. Soliloquies are speeches given before the whole cast of characters.
False. Soliloquies are speeches delivered by a character alone on stage. They are meant to convey the character's thoughts and emotions directly to the audience, without the presence of other characters.

3. Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.
True. Soliloquies are a form of dramatic device that allows characters to reveal their innermost thoughts, feelings, and conflicts by speaking their thoughts aloud. It is a way for characters to share their inner reflections with the audience.

4. Monologues are conversations between two or more characters.
False. Monologues are extended speeches delivered by one character, often when they are alone on stage. Monologues allow characters to express their thoughts, emotions, or experiences and are not interactive conversations between multiple characters.

Based on these explanations, the statements that are true are:
- Asides are directed at the audience, rather than other characters.
- Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.

Therefore, the correct selections are the first and third statements.

To determine which statements are true, we can analyze the given options one by one:

1. Asides are directed at the audience, rather than other characters.
- This statement is true. In theater, an aside is a technique where a character briefly speaks their thoughts directly to the audience, often revealing their true feelings or providing additional information which other characters are unaware of.

2. Soliloquies are speeches given before the whole cast of characters.
- This statement is not true. A soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, expressing their inner thoughts and feelings. It is usually not directed towards other characters and is intended for the audience's insight.

3. Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.
- This statement is true. Soliloquies provide characters with a means to vocalize their thoughts and emotions while alone on stage, allowing the audience to gain insight into their motivations, conflicts, and intentions.

4. Monologues are conversations between two or more characters.
- This statement is not true. A monologue is a speech given by a character alone on stage, addressing themselves or the audience. It does not involve interactions between multiple characters.

Based on this analysis, the true statements are:

- Asides are directed at the audience, rather than other characters.
- Soliloquies allow characters to think aloud.

Therefore, you should check the first and third statements as true.