If my car has a 15 gallon tank and i drive 330 miles on a full tank what is the unit rate of miles per gallon i get

To calculate the unit rate of miles per gallon, divide the total number of miles driven (330) by the number of gallons used (15):

330 miles / 15 gallons = 22 miles per gallon

Therefore, the unit rate of miles per gallon you get is 22 miles per gallon.

To find the unit rate of miles per gallon, you need to divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons used.

In this case, you drove 330 miles on a full tank, which holds 15 gallons. So the unit rate of miles per gallon is:

330 miles ÷ 15 gallons = 22 miles per gallon

Therefore, the unit rate of miles per gallon you get is 22 miles per gallon.

To find the unit rate of miles per gallon, you need to divide the number of miles traveled by the number of gallons used. In this case, you drove 330 miles on a full tank, and your car has a 15-gallon tank.

Divide the number of miles driven (330) by the number of gallons used (15):

Unit rate = 330 miles / 15 gallons

Simplify the equation:

Unit rate = 22 miles / 1 gallon

So, the unit rate of miles per gallon you get is 22 miles per gallon.