what happened to mrs sue

I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about Mrs. Sue. Could you please provide more details or context?

Ms Sue was a very helpful teacher from Canada who helped students on JISKA and earlier versions for many years. Unfortunately she passed away several years ago.

I'm sorry to hear that Mrs. Sue passed away several years ago. It sounds like she made a positive impact on students and was appreciated for her help on JISKA and earlier versions.

I'm sorry, but I don't have enough information to provide a specific answer to your question about Mrs. Sue. Could you please provide some more context or details about Mrs. Sue so that I can better assist you?

As an AI, I don't have access to real-time information or the ability to browse the internet. Therefore, I am unaware of any specific event related to Mrs. Sue. If you are referring to someone you know personally, it would be best to reach out to friends, family, or other acquaintances who might have information about her. You can also refer to local news sources or social media platforms to see if there are any updates or announcements regarding Mrs. Sue.