Literary Word Choice Quick Check

3 of 53 of 5 Items

What is a word’s connotation?(1 point)

a comparison between two unlike words
a comparison between two unlike words

the feeling the word gives the reader
the feeling the word gives the reader

a word that has the same meaning
a word that has the same meaning

the literal meaning of the word
the literal meaning of the word
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Correct answer:

the feeling the word gives the reader

The correct answer is: the feeling the word gives the reader.

To answer this question, we need to understand what connotation means in the context of language. Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word carries, in addition to its literal meaning. It is the feeling or vibe that a word gives the reader or listener.

Now, let's look at the options provided:
- A comparison between two unlike words: This does not accurately define connotation.
- The feeling the word gives the reader: This is the correct definition. Connotation is about the emotional response that a word evokes.
- A word that has the same meaning: This is not the definition of connotation. It refers to a synonym.
- The literal meaning of the word: This is the definition of denotation, not connotation. Denotation is the basic, literal meaning of a word.

Therefore, the correct answer is "the feeling the word gives the reader."