Two students are discussing the best algorithm to use to see if a specific element is in a sorted data set. Which classic algorithm should they choose?(1 point) Responses binary search binary search linear search linear search quicksort

The correct algorithm that the students should choose is binary search.

The best algorithm to use to see if a specific element is in a sorted data set is the binary search algorithm.

The two students should choose the binary search algorithm to see if a specific element is in a sorted data set.

To understand why binary search is the best choice, let's compare it to the other options mentioned: linear search and quicksort.

1. Linear search: In a linear search, we start from the beginning of the sorted data set and compare each element until we either find a match or reach the end of the list. This approach has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the data set. Binary search, on the other hand, has a time complexity of O(log n), which is more efficient for large data sets. Therefore, binary search is a better choice for finding a specific element in a sorted data set.

2. Quicksort: Quicksort is not suitable for directly finding a specific element in a sorted data set. Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that rearranges the elements of a data set in a specific order. While it can be used to sort the data set first and then perform a binary search, this would require additional time and complexity. Therefore, for the specific task of finding an element in a sorted data set, binary search is a more direct and efficient choice.

In summary, the students should choose the binary search algorithm as it has a time complexity of O(log n) and is specifically designed for efficiently locating elements in a sorted data set.