A:Make a list of the distances from each planet to the sun, written in scientific notation. If there is a shortest and longest distance, use the average distance from the sun.

Subtract the shortest distance from the longest distance. Show your work.

Here is a list of the distances from each planet to the sun, written in scientific notation:

Mercury: 57.91 x 10^6 km
Venus: 108.2 x 10^6 km
Earth: 149.6 x 10^6 km
Mars: 227.9 x 10^6 km
Jupiter: 778.5 x 10^6 km
Saturn: 1.43 x 10^9 km
Uranus: 2.88 x 10^9 km
Neptune: 4.5 x 10^9 km

To find the shortest and longest distance, we compare the given values.
Shortest distance: Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, so its distance is the shortest at 57.91 x 10^6 km.
Longest distance: Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun, so its distance is the longest at 4.5 x 10^9 km.

To find the average distance from the sun, we add up the distances of all the planets and divide by the total number of planets.
Average distance = (57.91 + 108.2 + 149.6 + 227.9 + 778.5 + 1.43 + 2.88 + 4.5) x 10^6 / 8 = 620.0475 x 10^6 km = 6.200475 x 10^8 km

Now, let's subtract the shortest distance from the longest distance:

Longest distance - Shortest distance = (4.5 x 10^9 km) - (57.91 x 10^6 km) = 4.44209 x 10^9 km

Thus, the difference between the shortest and longest distance from the sun is approximately 4.44209 x 10^9 km.

To make a list of the distances from each planet to the Sun, written in scientific notation, we can use the average distance from the Sun for planets where there is no shortest or longest distance available. Here is the list:

- Mercury: Average distance from the Sun is about 5.7 x 10^7 km.
- Venus: Average distance from the Sun is about 1.1 x 10^8 km.
- Earth: Average distance from the Sun is about 1.5 x 10^8 km.
- Mars: Average distance from the Sun is about 2.3 x 10^8 km.
- Jupiter: Average distance from the Sun is about 7.8 x 10^8 km.
- Saturn: Average distance from the Sun is about 1.4 x 10^9 km.
- Uranus: Average distance from the Sun is about 2.9 x 10^9 km.
- Neptune: Average distance from the Sun is about 4.5 x 10^9 km.
- Pluto: Average distance from the Sun is about 5.9 x 10^9 km.

Now, let's find the difference between the shortest and longest distance:

- The shortest distance is from Mercury: 5.7 x 10^7 km.
- The longest distance is from Pluto: 5.9 x 10^9 km.

To find the difference, we subtract the shortest distance from the longest distance:

5.9 x 10^9 km - 5.7 x 10^7 km = 5.9 x 10^9 km - 0.057 x 10^9 km = 5.843 x 10^9 km.

So, the difference between the shortest and longest distance from each planet to the Sun is approximately 5.843 x 10^9 km.

To make a list of distances from each planet to the sun, written in scientific notation, you will need to gather the average distance for each planet. Here are the average distances from the sun to each planet in our solar system:

1. Mercury: The average distance from the sun to Mercury is approximately 57.9 million kilometers or 57.9 x 10^6 km in scientific notation.
2. Venus: The average distance from the sun to Venus is approximately 108.2 million kilometers or 108.2 x 10^6 km in scientific notation.
3. Earth: The average distance from the sun to Earth is approximately 149.6 million kilometers or 149.6 x 10^6 km in scientific notation.
4. Mars: The average distance from the sun to Mars is approximately 227.9 million kilometers or 227.9 x 10^6 km in scientific notation.
5. Jupiter: The average distance from the sun to Jupiter is approximately 778.3 million kilometers or 778.3 x 10^6 km in scientific notation.
6. Saturn: The average distance from the sun to Saturn is approximately 1.4 billion kilometers or 1.4 x 10^9 km in scientific notation.
7. Uranus: The average distance from the sun to Uranus is approximately 2.9 billion kilometers or 2.9 x 10^9 km in scientific notation.
8. Neptune: The average distance from the sun to Neptune is approximately 4.5 billion kilometers or 4.5 x 10^9 km in scientific notation.

Now, to find the shortest and longest distance, we will calculate the difference between the largest and smallest values in the list:

The longest distance is the average distance from the sun to Neptune: 4.5 x 10^9 km.
The shortest distance is the average distance from the sun to Mercury: 57.9 x 10^6 km.

To find the difference between the longest and shortest distances, simply subtract the smaller value from the larger value:

(4.5 x 10^9 km) - (57.9 x 10^6 km) = (4.5 - 0.0579) x 10^9 km = 4.4421 x 10^9 km

Therefore, the difference between the shortest and longest distances is approximately 4.4421 x 10^9 kilometers.