ACTIVITY: ReadthroughJack’sstorybelowandcompletethefollowingactivities: STEP1:UnderlineanylinksthatJackhastootherplacesintheWorld. STEP2:Highlightsectionsofthestorythatlinktothereasonsforglobalization(seethe


Jack’s Sony alarm clock goes o� as usual. The Japanese designers included a feature that allows the alarm clock to wake Jack up with his favorite songs from the radio. The latest single of Barbadian pop star Rihanna is playing. After wiping the sleep from his eyes, Jack sees that he has 5 new WhatsApp messages on his cell phone, 1 of which is from his uncle who is currently working for the British Foreign O�ce in Ghana.
Jack looks at his diary and is excited about going to see the new Captain America movie this evening and he hopes that his parents will take him to his favorite Lebanese restaurant for dinner. Whilst brushing his teeth, Jack is frustrated by minutes of adverts on the radio. One of
the adverts is for a new electric car that has been developed by German company Audi. Maybe the recent march he went on to protest against climate change is having some impact. The News then follows and mentions some new policy from the European Union based in Belgium. But Jack is not interested in that.
He gets dressed, putting on his freshly ironed cotton shirt. Little does he know that it was made in Bangladesh using Indian cotton, shipped on a Dutch container ship that was crewed by Spanish workers to a port near to Jack’s home and then unloaded by a migrant worker from the Philippines.
Jack heads down for breakfast. He quickly drinks a cup of Ethiopian co�ee and eats a banana from Ecuador. It’s going to be a busy day ahead and Jack is already running late….

STEP 1: Links to other places in the world:

- Japanese designers of the alarm clock
- Barbadian pop star Rihanna's song on the radio
- British Foreign Office in Ghana
- German company Audi's electric car
- European Union based in Belgium
- Cotton made in Bangladesh using Indian cotton
- Dutch container ship
- Spanish workers
- Migrant worker from the Philippines
- Ethiopian coffee
- Banana from Ecuador

STEP 2: Sections that link to reasons for globalization:
- Japanese designers included a feature in the alarm clock that allows it to wake Jack up with his favorite songs from the radio, showcasing technological advancement and international collaboration.
- Rihanna's music being played on the radio shows the global reach and popularity of artists in different countries.
- Jack receives a message from his uncle working for the British Foreign Office in Ghana, highlighting international employment opportunities and connections.
- Jack is interested in seeing the new Captain America movie, which is a product of the global film industry and cultural exchange.
- Advertisement for a new electric car developed by a German company demonstrates the transfer of technology and innovation across borders.
- Mentioning of new policies from the European Union based in Belgium showcases the influence and impact of international organizations on global affairs.
- Jack's cotton shirt being made in Bangladesh using Indian cotton, shipped on a Dutch container ship, and unloaded by workers from Spain and the Philippines demonstrates the complexity of global supply chains and labor mobility.
- Jack drinking Ethiopian coffee and eating a banana from Ecuador highlights the global trade in food products.

STEP 1: Underline any links that Jack has to other places in the World.

Jack's uncle working for the British Foreign Office in Ghana.

STEP 2: Highlight sections of the story that link to the reasons for globalization.

- Japanese designers included a feature in the alarm clock.
- Rihanna's song playing on the radio (globalized pop star).
- 5 new WhatsApp messages on his cell phone (global communication).
- Adverts on the radio for a new electric car developed by a German company (globalized transportation and technology).
- News mentions new policy from the European Union based in Belgium (global governance and politics).
- Shirt made in Bangladesh using Indian cotton, shipped on a Dutch container ship crewed by Spanish workers and unloaded by a Filipino worker (globalized production and trade).
- Cup of Ethiopian coffee (globalized trade).
- Banana from Ecuador (globalized trade).

- Globalized transportation and technology
- Global governance and politics
- Globalized production and trade
- Globalized pop culture and communication
- Globalized trade

To complete the activities, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Underline any links that Jack has to other places in the world:

- Barbadian pop star Rihanna
- British Foreign Office in Ghana
- Lebanese restaurant
- German company Audi
- European Union based in Belgium
- Bangladesh and Indian cotton
- Dutch container ship
- Spanish workers
- Port near Jack's home
- Migrant worker from the Philippines
- Ethiopian coffee
- Banana from Ecuador

These are all examples of connections or links that Jack has to different places in the world.

STEP 2: Highlight sections of the story that link to the reasons for globalization.

Reasons for globalization:
- The Japanese designers who created the alarm clock with the feature to wake Jack up with his favorite songs from the radio (global exchange of technology and ideas).
- Jack receiving WhatsApp messages from his uncle working for the British Foreign Office in Ghana (global communication).
- Adverts for new electric car developed by German company Audi (global trade and innovation).
- Mention of new policy from the European Union based in Belgium (global governance and international relations).
- Jack's cotton shirt made in Bangladesh using Indian cotton and shipped on a Dutch container ship crewed by Spanish workers (global supply chains).
- Jack's breakfast of Ethiopian coffee and banana from Ecuador (global food production and trade).

By highlighting these sections, it becomes clear how they relate to the reasons for globalization.