Which phrase means to organize evidence logically and a persuasive text to include a hunter comment to present in a way that makes sense to provide at least three pieces of evidence to support the argument to put the least important piece of evidence first

The phrase that means to organize evidence logically and persuasively in a text, including a counter-argument, and to present it in a way that makes sense by providing at least three pieces of evidence while putting the least important piece first is:

"Structuring an argument using the least important evidence first, while incorporating a hunter comment, in a coherent and persuasive manner."

The phrase that means to organize evidence logically and a persuasive text to include a hunter comment to present in a way that makes sense and provide at least three pieces of evidence to support the argument, with the least important piece of evidence first, is "Building a persuasive argument through evidence sequencing."

The phrase that encompasses the act of organizing evidence logically and persuasive text to include a hunter comment, while presenting them in a sensible manner, is called "structuring an argument." To structure an argument effectively, and specifically to put the least important piece of evidence first, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your main argument or claim: Clearly define the central point you want to make or the position you are advocating for.

2. Gather evidence: Collect at least three pieces of evidence that support your argument. Ensure they are relevant, reliable, and credible sources that support your main argument.

3. Evaluate the importance of each piece of evidence: Assess the significance and strength of each piece of evidence. Determine which one is the least impactful or compelling in supporting your main argument.

4. Start with the least important evidence: Begin by presenting the least significant evidence first. This approach helps to build a logical progression and gradually strengthen your argument as you introduce more persuasive evidence.

5. Provide a hunter comment: A hunter comment, also known as a rationale or explanation, accompanies each piece of evidence. It explains why the evidence is relevant and strengthens your argument. The hunter comment should describe how the evidence supports your main argument and its importance in the overall context.

6. Continue with more compelling evidence: After presenting the least important evidence, move on to the second most persuasive piece of evidence. Follow the same structure by providing a hunter comment to explain its relevance and significance.

7. Conclude with the most powerful evidence: Finally, present the most compelling evidence, ensuring it has a strong impact on your overall argument. Again, provide a corresponding hunter comment to highlight its importance.

By structuring your argument in this manner, you can effectively organize evidence logically, present a persuasive text, and put the least important piece of evidence first.