A 5kg bag of apples cos5s R65. What is the cost of 500g of apples (which working out)

To determine the cost of 500g of apples, we can use the concept of proportions.

The cost of a 5kg bag of apples is R65, which means that 1kg of apples would cost R65/5 = R13.

Now, we need to find the cost of 500g of apples. Since 1kg is equal to 1000g, we can set up a proportion:

1kg / R13 = 500g / x

Cross multiplying, we get:

x = (500g * R13) / 1kg
x = (500 * 13) / 1000
x = 6500 / 1000
x = R6.50

Therefore, the cost of 500g of apples is R6.50.

To determine the cost of 500g of apples, we can use the proportion method.

Since we know that a 5kg bag of apples cost R65, we can set up the following proportion:

5kg / R65 = 500g / x

To solve this proportion, we need to find the value of x. We can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

5kg * x = R65 * 500g

5kg * x = R32500g

To make the units consistent, we need to convert the units on the right side of the equation to kg. Since 1kg is equal to 1000g, we can divide the value on the right side by 1000:

5kg * x = R32.5kg

Now, to solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5kg:

x = R32.5kg / 5kg

x = R6.50

Therefore, the cost of 500g of apples is R6.50.

To find the cost of 500g of apples, we can use the concept of proportions.

Let's use the given information:
- A 5kg bag of apples costs R65.

To find the cost of 500g of apples, we need to determine the cost of 1 gram of apples and then multiply it by 500.

Here's how the calculation can be done:

Step 1: Determine the cost per kilogram of apples.
To find the cost per kilogram, we need to divide the total cost (R65) by the weight (5kg).
Cost per kilogram = Total cost / Weight
Cost per kilogram = R65 / 5kg
Cost per kilogram = R13/kg

Step 2: Determine the cost per gram of apples.
To find the cost per gram, we divide the cost per kilogram by 1000 (since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram).
Cost per gram = Cost per kilogram / 1000
Cost per gram = R13/kg / 1000
Cost per gram = R0.013/g

Step 3: Calculate the cost of 500g of apples.
To find the cost of 500g of apples, we multiply the cost per gram (R0.013) by the weight (500g).
Cost of 500g of apples = Cost per gram * Weight
Cost of 500g of apples = R0.013/g * 500g
Cost of 500g of apples = R6.50

Therefore, the cost of 500g of apples is R6.50.