Read the passage from "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

"That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should be proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite."

"No ma'am. Pride is a sin. And 'cording to the Good Book, it goeth before a fall."

"That's right. So the Bible says. It's a good thing to keep in mind."

What is the best analysis of this passage?

It entertains the reader because it contrasts what Momma says with what she does.
It informs the reader because it describes the importance of the Bible in Momma’s life.
It teaches the reader because it shows one of the codes of conduct Momma lives by.
It persuades the reader because it makes Momma’s argument against pride clear.

The best analysis of this passage is that it teaches the reader because it shows one of the codes of conduct Momma lives by. In this passage, Momma expresses her belief that pride is a sin and quotes the Bible to support her statement. This demonstrates the importance of religion and the teachings of the Bible in Momma's life and suggests that she lives by a set of moral codes that shape her behavior and beliefs.

The best analysis of this passage is that it teaches the reader because it shows one of the codes of conduct Momma lives by. The conversation highlights Momma's belief that pride is a sin and that it can lead to a downfall, as stated in the Bible. Momma's adherence to this code of conduct is evident in her refusal to put her dress back on, as she believes that being proud of her accomplishments goes against her belief system.

The best analysis of this passage is that it teaches the reader because it shows one of the codes of conduct Momma lives by. In the dialogue, Momma expresses her belief that pride is a sin and that it leads to a downfall, which is a code of conduct she lives by. This passage gives insight into Momma's values and beliefs, and teaches the reader about one of the principles she abides by.