In the relationship below, the position of the circle changes according to the height of the rectangle. if this relationship were shown in function notation, which of the following elements would be located outside the parentheses?

A. color of the rectangle
B. position of the circle
C. color of the circle
D. the height of the rectangle

The position of the circle changes according to the height of the rectangle. In function notation, the input is usually inside the parentheses, and the output is outside the parentheses. In this case, the height of the rectangle serves as the input to the function, determining the position of the circle (output). Therefore, the height of the rectangle would be located outside the parentheses. Thus, the answer is (D) the height of the rectangle.

In function notation, elements located outside the parentheses typically represent constant values or parameters. Since the position of the circle changes according to the height of the rectangle, the height of the rectangle would be the parameter in this case. Therefore, the correct answer would be D. the height of the rectangle.

In function notation, the elements that go inside the parentheses are the inputs or the independent variables, while the elements outside the parentheses are the outputs or the dependent variables.

In this case, the position of the circle changes according to the height of the rectangle. Therefore, the position of the circle would be the dependent variable. Since the position of the circle is changing based on the height of the rectangle, it would be located inside the parentheses.

On the other hand, the color of the rectangle, the color of the circle, and the height of the rectangle are not mentioned to be dependent on any other variables. Therefore, they can be considered as independent variables and would be located outside the parentheses.

So, the correct answer is C. color of the circle.