Which example fulfills the educational requirements for naturalization?

A. being a graduate from a high school in Mexico
B. being a graduate from an Oklahoma High School
C. being a graduate from Harvard University
D. being a professor of math from England

To determine which example fulfills the educational requirements for naturalization, we need to know the specific educational requirements for naturalization in the country in question. In order to find this information, we can search for the naturalization requirements of the country you are referring to.

Start by searching for "naturalization requirements for [country name]" on a search engine. This should bring up official government websites or reliable sources that outline the requirements for becoming a naturalized citizen.

Look for information regarding the educational requirements for naturalization. It is important to note that educational requirements may vary from country to country. Once you find the official requirements, review them to determine which example fulfills the educational requirements.

C. being a graduate from Harvard University

The example that fulfills the educational requirements for naturalization is option C: being a graduate from Harvard University.