Which of these would be an example of lacquerware?

(1 point)

a painted box with a protective coating
a painted box with a protective coating

a scroll covered in calligraphy
a scroll covered in calligraphy

a carefully designed garden
a carefully designed garden

a bronze sculpture

a painted box with a protective coating

The example of lacquerware would be a painted box with a protective coating.

The correct answer would be "a painted box with a protective coating."

To identify an example of lacquerware, we need to understand what lacquerware is. Lacquerware refers to objects that are made from a specific type of coating called lacquer. Lacquer is a type of finish that is commonly used for wood, metal, or other materials in East Asian art and craftsmanship.

Now that we know this, we can evaluate each option.

- A painted box with a protective coating could be an example of lacquerware. This is because the box is coated with lacquer, which provides protection while also enhancing its appearance.
- A scroll covered in calligraphy is not an example of lacquerware. Although the scroll may have calligraphy, there is no mention of it being coated with lacquer.
- A carefully designed garden is not an example of lacquerware. A garden is a natural space and does not involve the use of lacquer.
- A bronze sculpture is not an example of lacquerware. Lacquerware specifically refers to objects coated with lacquer, whereas a bronze sculpture is made out of a different material.

Hence, the correct answer is "a painted box with a protective coating."