which organ of the human body is known by blood bank of the body

The organ of the human body that is commonly referred to as the "blood bank" is the spleen. While the spleen is not involved in the actual production of blood like the bone marrow, it acts as a reservoir for blood and can release stored red blood cells and platelets in times of need, such as during excessive bleeding or injury. Additionally, the spleen filters and removes old or damaged red blood cells from circulation.

The organ of the human body that is known as the "blood bank" is the spleen. The spleen acts as a reservoir for red and white blood cells and platelets. It can store and release these cells as needed by the body. Additionally, the spleen plays a role in filtering the blood, removing old or damaged red blood cells, and immune function.

The organ in the human body that is often referred to as the "blood bank" is the spleen. However, it's important to note that while the spleen plays a role in storing and filtering blood, it is not a true blood bank like a blood donation center.

To find this information, you can consult various reliable sources such as medical textbooks, online medical websites, or consult with medical professionals. These sources will provide accurate and detailed information about the functions and role of the spleen in the human body.