The average distance from Earth to Mars is 2.25 * 10 ^ 8 * km and the distance from Earth to Neptune is 4.3514 * 10 ^ 9 * km How much farther is Neptune from Earth than Mars? Express your answer in scientific notation. Do not round your answer. (1 point)

To find the difference in distance between Neptune and Mars, we need to subtract the distance from Earth to Mars from the distance from Earth to Neptune.

4.3514 * 10^9 km - 2.25 * 10^8 km

To subtract the distances, we need to have the same exponent. We can convert the distance to scientific notation with the same exponent by moving the decimal point.

4.3514 * 10^9 km - 0.225 * 10^9 km

This simplifies to:

4.1264 * 10^9 km.

Therefore, Neptune is 4.1264 * 10^9 km farther from Earth than Mars.

To find out how much farther Neptune is from Earth than Mars, we need to calculate the difference between their distances.

First, let's convert the given distances into scientific notation:

Distance from Earth to Mars = 2.25 * 10^8 km
Distance from Earth to Neptune = 4.3514 * 10^9 km

Now, we can calculate the difference:

Distance from Earth to Neptune - Distance from Earth to Mars
= (4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 km)
= 4.3514 * 10^9 km - 2.25 * 10^8 km
= 4.3514 * 10^9 km + (-2.25 * 10^8 km)
= 4.3514 * 10^9 km + (-0.225 * 10^9 km) (Note: multiplying 2.25 * 10^8 km by 10 to convert it to the same exponent as 10^9)
= 4.3514 * 10^9 km - 0.225 * 10^9 km
= 4.1264 * 10^9 km

Therefore, Neptune is approximately 4.1264 * 10^9 km farther from Earth than Mars.

To find out how much farther Neptune is from Earth than Mars, we need to subtract the distance between Earth and Mars from the distance between Earth and Neptune.

The distance from Earth to Mars is given as 2.25 * 10^8 km.

The distance from Earth to Neptune is given as 4.3514 * 10^9 km.

To subtract these values, we need to subtract the exponent part as well as the decimal part.

Subtracting the distance from Mars from the distance to Neptune, we have:

(4.3514 * 10^9 km) - (2.25 * 10^8 km)

Since both quantities have the same power of 10, we can subtract by subtracting the decimal parts:

4.3514 - 0.225 = 4.1264

Now, let's determine the exponent part (power of 10):

Neptune's distance has an exponent of 9, while Mars' distance has an exponent of 8. We subtract the smaller exponent from the larger exponent:

9 - 8 = 1

Therefore, Neptune is 4.1264 * 10^1 km farther from Earth than Mars.

Expressed in scientific notation, the answer is 4.1264 * 10^1 km.