Where is the Works Cited page located?

right after your title page

immediately after your last paragraph

on the next new page after the end of your essay

C. on the next new page after the end of your essay


The Works Cited page is typically located on the next new page after the end of your essay.

The Works Cited page is typically located on the next new page after the end of your essay. This page is where you list all the sources that you cited or consulted in your essay. To create a Works Cited page, you need to follow specific formatting guidelines, such as using a hanging indent and alphabetizing the entries by the author's last name. Additionally, make sure to include all the necessary information for each source, such as the title, author, publication date, and page numbers if applicable. It's essential to consult the appropriate style guide, such as MLA or APA, to ensure that your Works Cited page meets the required formatting standards.