Which of the following was a response of the colonies to the Tea Act? (1 point)

A. Taxes on tea purchased from Britain were decreased.
B. The tea trade was opened up to more countries.
C. Crates of tea were dumped into the water.
D. Colonists made a profit because of the monopoly by Britain.

C. Crates of tea were dumped into the water.

The correct answer is C. Crates of tea were dumped into the water.

The correct response of the colonies to the Tea Act was option C: Crates of tea were dumped into the water. This event is famously known as the Boston Tea Party. It occurred in 1773 as a response to the British government granting a monopoly to the East India Company to sell tea in the American colonies and imposing a tax on tea imports. To understand this answer better, let's go through the other options and eliminate them based on the historical context.

A. Taxes on tea purchased from Britain were decreased: This option is incorrect because the Tea Act actually imposed a tax on tea imports by the British government. The main purpose of the act was to bail out the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on tea sales in the colonies.

B. The tea trade was opened up to more countries: This option is also incorrect. The Tea Act did not open up the tea trade to more countries; instead, it consolidated the control of the tea trade in the hands of the British East India Company.

D. Colonists made a profit because of the monopoly by Britain: This option is incorrect as well. The Tea Act and the monopoly it granted to the East India Company were seen as a threat to colonial merchants and their profits. The colonists believed this monopolistic control by Britain would undermine their own businesses and economic autonomy.

Therefore, option C, which states that crates of tea were dumped into the water, is the correct response of the colonies to the Tea Act.