A horse-fly can travel at a rate of 90 mph. Which proportion could be used to find m, the number miles a horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes?

The proportion that could be used to find m would be:

90 miles / 1 hour = m miles / 5 minutes

This is because we know that the horse-fly can travel at a rate of 90 mph and we want to find out how many miles it can travel in 5 minutes. By setting up a proportion, we can solve for m, the number of miles the horse-fly can travel.

To find the number of miles a horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes, we can use a proportion. Let's set up the proportion using the given information:

90 mph = m miles / 60 minutes

Since we want to find the number of miles the horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes, we can rewrite the proportion using the information given:

90 mph = m miles / 5 minutes

Now we can solve for m, the number of miles the horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes. To do this, we cross-multiply:

90 × 5 = m miles

450 = m miles

Therefore, the proportion that could be used to find m, the number of miles a horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes, is:

90 mph = m miles / 5 minutes

To find the number of miles a horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes, we can use the proportion method. A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal.

The given information tells us that a horse-fly can travel at a rate of 90 mph (miles per hour). We need to convert this rate to miles per minute since we want to find the number of miles the horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes.

To convert from miles per hour to miles per minute, we divide the rate by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

So, the rate of the horse-fly in miles per minute is: 90 mph / 60 minutes = 1.5 miles per minute.

Now, we can set up the proportion to find the number of miles the horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes. Let m be the number of miles the horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes.

Proportion: 1.5 miles/1 minute = m miles/5 minutes

To solve this proportion, we cross-multiply:

1.5 miles * 5 minutes = m miles * 1 minute

7.5 miles = m miles

Therefore, the proportion that can be used to find m, the number of miles a horse-fly can travel in 5 minutes, is 1.5 miles/1 minute = m miles/5 minutes.