Based on the graphic, which statement is TRUE about annual cancer deaths?

More people die each year from cancer caused by alcohol use than smoking.

More people die each year from cancer caused by air pollution than alcohol use.

Fewer people die each year from cancer caused by air pollution than processed meats.

Fewer people die each year from cancer caused by processed meats than air pollution.


Fewer people die each year from cancer caused by air pollution than processed meats.

To determine which statement is true about annual cancer deaths based on the graphic, let's analyze each option:

A. More people die each year from cancer caused by alcohol use than smoking.
- The graphic does not provide information about the number of cancer deaths caused by smoking or alcohol use. Therefore, we cannot determine if this statement is true or false based on the graphic.

B. More people die each year from cancer caused by air pollution than alcohol use.
- The graphic does not provide information about the number of cancer deaths caused by air pollution or alcohol use. Therefore, we cannot determine if this statement is true or false based on the graphic.

C. Fewer people die each year from cancer caused by air pollution than processed meats.
- The graphic shows that air pollution is responsible for 24% of annual cancer deaths, while processed meats are responsible for 34% of annual cancer deaths. Therefore, this statement is FALSE based on the graphic.

D. Fewer people die each year from cancer caused by processed meats than air pollution.
- The graphic shows that air pollution is responsible for 24% of annual cancer deaths, while processed meats are responsible for 34% of annual cancer deaths. Therefore, this statement is TRUE based on the graphic.

Based on the information provided in the graphic, option D is the correct answer.

To determine which statement is true about annual cancer deaths based on the graphic, you need to analyze the data presented. Here's how you can go about finding the answer:

1. Carefully examine the graphic illustrating the annual cancer deaths. Take note of the different causes mentioned, such as alcohol use, air pollution, and processed meats.

2. Look for the data points or values associated with each cause. These values could be represented by numbers, percentages, or any other form of representation used in the graphic.

3. Compare the data points for each cause to determine which statement is true. If the statement refers to more people dying from one cause than another, compare the respective values for those causes. If the statement refers to fewer people dying from one cause than another, again, compare the corresponding values.

4. Once you have compared the data points, identify the statement that matches the correct comparison of these causes. In this case, the options provided are A, B, C, and D, so choose the option that aligns with your findings.

Remember, without the actual graphic or the specific data it provides, I cannot determine the correct option for you. However, by following these steps, you should be able to analyze the graphic and identify the true statement about annual cancer deaths based on the data presented.