Which of the following is not considered criteria for a feature story?

(1 point)

A human-interest angle
A human-interest angle

A creative lead
A creative lead

A summary lead
A summary lead

An impact-action ending

An impact-action ending

The correct answer is: A summary lead.

To determine which of the options is not considered a criteria for a feature story, we need to understand what a feature story is and its typical elements.

A feature story is a type of news article or story that focuses on highlighting human interest and providing in-depth information on a particular subject. It often goes beyond the basic who, what, when, where, and why of a news story and delves deeper into the emotions, personalities, and experiences related to the topic.

Now, let's examine each of the options:

1. A human-interest angle: This is definitely considered a criteria for a feature story. A human-interest angle helps to create a connection with readers by emphasizing the personal and emotional aspects of a story.

2. A creative lead: A lead refers to the beginning or opening of a news article or story. While a creative lead can add interest and uniqueness to a feature story, it is not an essential criteria. Therefore, this option could be the answer we are looking for.

3. A summary lead: A summary lead is a concise summary of the main points of a story presented at the beginning. It is commonly used in news articles but is generally not a characteristic of feature stories. Feature stories tend to have a more descriptive and narrative approach, rather than summarizing the content upfront.

4. An impact-action ending: An impact-action ending refers to concluding a feature story with a strong and memorable ending that leaves an impact on readers and possibly encourages them to take some action. This is often considered an important element of a feature story.

Based on the above analysis, the option that is not considered a criteria for a feature story is "A creative lead".