Which first step should readers take when they encounter an unfamiliar word

When readers encounter an unfamiliar word, the first step they should take is to try and determine its meaning based on the context. They can read the surrounding sentences or paragraphs to understand how the word is being used. If the context does not provide enough information, readers can consult a dictionary or use online resources to look up the word and gain a clearer understanding of its meaning.

When readers encounter an unfamiliar word, the first step they should take is to try to gather meaning from the context. They can look at the words or phrases that come before and after the unfamiliar word to understand its possible meaning. Additionally, they can consider the tone or subject of the text to make educated guesses about the word's definition. If this step does not clarify the meaning, they can move on to further steps such as using a dictionary or searching online resources.

When readers encounter an unfamiliar word, the first step they should take is to try to understand the word based on the context in which it is used. By looking at the surrounding words, phrases, and sentences, readers can often gain clues about the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

Here are some practical steps to follow in order to understand an unfamiliar word:

1. Pause and assess the context: Stop reading or listening to the text momentarily and take note of the words, phrases, or sentences that come before and after the unfamiliar word. Look for any clues or hints that might help you determine the word's meaning.

2. Break down the word: Examine the unfamiliar word for any familiar parts or roots that you may recognize. Sometimes, unfamiliar words can be made up of smaller parts that you may have encountered before. For example, the prefix "un-" or the suffix "-able" can provide meaning to the word.

3. Consult a dictionary: If you're still uncertain about the meaning of the word after assessing the context and breaking down the word, consult a reliable dictionary. Look for the definition and examples of usage to gain a clearer understanding of the word's meaning.

4. Use online resources: Many online resources exist that can assist in understanding unfamiliar words. Websites like Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionaries provide definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, and example sentences to help expand your understanding of the word.

5. Extend your research: If you want a deeper understanding of the word, you can also explore different sources such as encyclopedias, academic journals, or online article databases to see how the word is used in various contexts.

Remember, encountering unfamiliar words is a common part of the learning process, and being proactive in finding the meaning of these words will not only improve your vocabulary but also enhance your overall reading comprehension skills.