a board game uses a triangular piece measuring 3 inches on each side. the travel version of the game uses a triangle in a proportional relationship to the original. it measures 0.5 inches on each side. identify the scale factor used to create the travel version of the piece.(1 point)

To find the scale factor, divide the corresponding side lengths of the travel version triangle by the original triangle:

Scale factor = length of travel version triangle / length of original triangle

Scale factor = 0.5 inches / 3 inches

Scale factor = 1/6

Therefore, the scale factor used to create the travel version of the piece is 1/6.

To identify the scale factor used to create the travel version of the triangular piece, we can divide the length of the travel version by the length of the original version.

Length of travel version of the piece: 0.5 inches
Length of original version of the piece: 3 inches

The scale factor can be calculated as:

Scale factor = Length of travel version / Length of original version

Substituting the given values:

Scale factor = 0.5 inches / 3 inches

Calculating the scale factor:

Scale factor = 0.1667 (approximately)

Therefore, the scale factor used to create the travel version of the triangular piece is approximately 0.1667.

To identify the scale factor used to create the travel version of the triangular piece, we can calculate the ratio of the corresponding side lengths between the two versions.

Let's denote the original triangular piece as O and the travel version as T.

- Length of a side of the original piece (O) = 3 inches
- Length of a side of the travel version (T) = 0.5 inches

To find the scale factor, we can divide the side length of the travel version by the side length of the original piece:

Scale factor = T / O

Substituting the given values:
Scale factor = 0.5 inches / 3 inches

Calculating the scale factor:
Scale factor = 0.5 / 3 = 1/6

Therefore, the scale factor used to create the travel version of the triangular piece is 1/6.