Blind eyes could blaze like ________.



Blind eyes could blaze like stars.

To determine the missing word in the given phrase "Blind eyes could blaze like ________," you can use multiple approaches. One approach is to analyze the context and determine the most appropriate comparison based on common expressions or metaphors.

In this case, the phrase "Blind eyes could blaze like ________" implies a vivid and intense visual image. The word "blaze" often conveys the idea of brightness, intensity, or brilliance. Considering the options provided, "candles," "gold," "stars," and "meteors," let's examine each one:

1. Candles: While candles can provide a modest source of light, they do not typically emit a blaze or intense brightness. Therefore, candles may not be the best fit for completing the phrase.

2. Gold: Gold is valuable and can shine brightly, but it does not emit a blaze as the phrase suggests. Thus, gold may not be the most suitable choice here.

3. Stars: Stars, on the other hand, are celestial objects that can radiate intense brightness and be described as blazing, especially during meteor showers or shooting stars. Therefore, "stars" seem to be a better option.

4. Meteors: Meteors are also known for their bright and fiery appearance as they streak across the sky. However, the phrase mentions "blaze," which typically pertains more to brightness rather than speed or movement. So while meteors are visually striking, "stars" might be a more fitting choice in this context.

Based on the analysis, the most suitable completion for the phrase "Blind eyes could blaze like ________" would be "stars."