"Clearances" The poet and his mother peeled potatoes while the others _______. Responses planted

seeds cooked dinner
attended church
emptied buckets

The poet and his mother peeled potatoes while the others cooked dinner.

The phrase "Clearances" refers to a series of poems written by Irish poet Seamus Heaney, which focus on his relationship with his mother and their shared experiences. In the line, "The poet and his mother peeled potatoes while the others _______," the missing word is "cooked dinner."

To answer the question about what the others were doing in the poem, we can analyze the given options: planted seeds, cooked dinner, attended church, and emptied buckets.

To determine the correct answer, we can look for clues within the context of the poem. In this case, the poet and his mother were peeling potatoes, which suggests they were engaged in a domestic chore or preparation for a meal.

From the given options, "cooked dinner" seems to be the most fitting activity that the others could have been doing while the poet and his mother were peeling potatoes. Cooking dinner aligns with the domestic context of peeling potatoes and completes the scene of meal preparation.

Therefore, the answer to the question is: the others cooked dinner.