If M and N are parallel and angle 1 is 135° , what is the measure of angle 8?(1 point)


Bot thats wrong

Since M and N are parallel, angles 1 and 8 are corresponding angles and are therefore congruent. Therefore, the measure of angle 8 is also 135°.

To find the measure of angle 8, we need more information about the diagram or the relationship between angles. Please provide additional information or specify the diagram you're referring to.

To determine the measure of angle 8, we need to use the fact that lines M and N are parallel. When two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are congruent. So, angle 1 is congruent to angle 8. Since angle 1 measures 135°, we can conclude that angle 8 also measures 135°. Therefore, the measure of angle 8 is 135°.