A logistic mnager ordering parts wants to choose a mode of transportation with very low costs. the compan can plan ahead so long delivery times are not a major problem. Which of the following is the mode of transportation that will best meet their needs?


The mode of transportation that will best meet their needs for very low costs and long delivery times not being a major problem would be ships. Ships are known for their cost-effectiveness, especially when it comes to transporting large quantities of goods over long distances. Additionally, ships are not time-sensitive, so if there is no urgency in the delivery, they would be the optimal choice.

The mode of transportation that will best meet the logistic manager's needs in terms of very low costs and long delivery times not being a major problem is ships. Ships are generally the least expensive mode of transportation for long hauls, and they have the ability to transport a large volume of goods. While shipping may not be the fastest option, the logistic manager's ability to plan ahead allows for the longer transit times associated with shipping.

To determine the mode of transportation that best meets the logistic manager's needs, we need to consider the requirement of very low costs and the flexibility to plan ahead without being concerned about long delivery times.

1. Ships: Ships are known for their cost-effectiveness when it comes to transporting large volumes of goods over long distances, such as international shipments. However, they have longer transit times, which might not be suitable if the company needs quick deliveries.

2. Railroads: Rail transportation can offer a balance between cost-effectiveness and delivery time. It is generally cheaper than airplanes and trucks for long-distance transportation. However, it might not be the best choice if the company needs more flexibility or if the delivery destination does not have a rail network.

3. Airplanes: While airplanes are known for their speedy deliveries, they are also the most expensive mode of transportation. However, since the logistics manager is primarily focused on low costs and not concerned about long delivery times, airplanes may not be the best choice.

4. Trucks: Trucks offer flexibility in terms of delivery destinations and faster transit times compared to ships and railroads. While the costs of truck transportation can vary depending on the distance and fuel prices, they are generally more cost-effective for shorter distances.

Considering the requirement for low costs and the ability to plan ahead, railroads or ships would likely be the best options. However, ships are better suited for long distances and international shipments. Therefore, in this case, railroads would better meet the logistic manager's needs as they provide lower-cost transportation while still allowing for longer delivery times.