The following sentence is inaccurate, but it can be made accurate by exchanging two words within it (forms of articles may need to change to accommodate word switches):

The acrosome reaction releases protective enzymes that digest the egg's proteolytic coating, allowing the sperm to contact and fuse with the egg cell membrane.
blank1 - Word Answer

blank2 - Word Answer

The acrosome reaction releases protective enzymes that digest the egg's proteolytic coating, allowing the sperm to fuse and contact with the egg cell membrane.

blank1: "releases" should be exchanged with "digests"

blank2: "digest" should be exchanged with "releases"

To make the sentence accurate by exchanging two words, we need to identify which words should be switched. Let's break down the sentence:

"The acrosome reaction releases protective enzymes that digest the egg's proteolytic coating, allowing the sperm to contact and fuse with the egg cell membrane."

From this sentence, it seems that the inaccuracy lies in the statement that the acrosome reaction allows the sperm to contact and fuse with the egg cell membrane. This is incorrect because it is actually the fusion of the sperm and egg cell membranes that allows them to come into contact.

So, to make the sentence accurate, we need to switch the words "contact" and "fuse."

Therefore, the answers would be:
blank1 - "fuse"
blank2 - "contact"