Match the root or affix with its meaning. (2 points)

: relating to
# all
tending toward an action

-ic: relating to

-ive: tending toward an action
omni-: all
ultra-: extreme

-ic: relating to

-ive: tending toward an action
omni-: all
ultra-: extreme

To match the root or affix with its meaning, we need to understand the meanings of each option and then find the best match.

Let's break it down:

-ic: This suffix indicates "relating to" something. For example, "scientific" means "relating to science."

-ive: This suffix suggests a tendency toward an action. For example, "talkative" means "tending to talk."

omni-: This prefix implies "all" or "every." For example, "omniscient" means "knowing everything."

ultra-: This prefix indicates "beyond" or "extreme." For example, "ultraviolet" means "beyond the violet end of the spectrum."

extreme: This is not a root or affix but a word itself. It means being at the furthest point or limit. For example, "extreme cold" means extremely cold temperature.

Based on these definitions, the matching pairs would be:

-ic: relating to
-ive: tending toward an action
omni-: all
ultra-: extreme