What process occurs as a solid turns into a gas (and skips the liquid state). For example, when frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) is heated, it turns into gaseous carbon dioxide.

The process that occurs when a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas, without passing through the liquid state, is called sublimation. Sublimation happens when the molecules of a solid gain enough energy to break the intermolecular bonds and escape into the gas phase, without going through the intermediate liquid phase. In the case of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide), when it is heated, it sublimes directly into gaseous carbon dioxide without melting into a liquid.

The process that occurs when a solid turns directly into a gas, bypassing the liquid state, is called sublimation. In the case of frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice), when it is heated, it undergoes sublimation and directly changes from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid. This process happens because the temperature and pressure conditions allow the particles of the solid to gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together, causing them to break free and transform into the gaseous state.

The process that occurs when a solid turns directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation. Sublimation happens when the temperature and pressure conditions are such that the solid substance can transition directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid.

In the case of frozen carbon dioxide, or dry ice, when it is heated, it undergoes sublimation and changes directly from a solid to a gas. This happens because the temperature is sufficient to break the intermolecular forces that hold the solid carbon dioxide molecules in a fixed, closely-packed arrangement. As the heat is applied, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, causing them to vibrate more rapidly and break free from the solid lattice, turning into gaseous carbon dioxide.

To observe sublimation, you would need to have the solid substance and an appropriate environment where the temperature and pressure conditions allow for sublimation to take place. By carefully controlling the temperature and pressure, you can facilitate and accelerate the sublimation process.

It is also important to note that not all substances can undergo sublimation under normal conditions. Sublimation is dependent on factors such as the substance's vapor pressure and the temperature and pressure conditions in which it is placed.