Quinton delivered 8 pallets of grass to a construction site for a new home and gave the contractor a bill.

• Each pallet of grass cost $137.59.

• The delivery charge was $102.

What is the total amount charged to the contractor?

The total cost of the grass is calculated by multiplying the cost per pallet by the number of pallets: $137.59/pallet * 8 pallets = $<<137.59*8=1100.72>>1100.72.

The total amount charged to the contractor is the sum of the cost of the grass and the delivery charge: $1100.72 + $102 = $<<1100.72+102=1202.72>>1202.72. Answer: \boxed{1202.72}.

Carla and Diane have started a pet sitting company. They have a 25 pound bag of food. There are 13 dogs. If each dog eats a 1/3

of a pound, how much dog food would be left?

If each dog eats 1/3 of a pound of food, then the amount of food needed for all 13 dogs is 13 * (1/3) = 13/3 pounds.

If they have a 25 pound bag of food and they use 13/3 pounds, then the amount of food left would be 25 - 13/3.

To calculate this, we need to find a common denominator for 3 and 1. The least common multiple of 3 and 1 is 3, so we can rewrite 25 as 75/3.

Now, we subtract 13/3 from 75/3: 75/3 - 13/3 = 62/3.

So, there would be 62/3 pounds of dog food left.

If we convert this improper fraction to a mixed number, we get 62 ÷ 3 = 20 remainder 2.

Therefore, there would be 20 and 2/3 pounds of dog food left. Answer: \boxed{20 \frac{2}{3}} pounds.

Allison bought 4 1/2 pounds of apples for $1.75 per pound. How much did Allison pay for


To find out how much Allison paid for the 4 1/2 pounds of apples, we need to multiply the weight of the apples by the price per pound.

First, we need to convert the mixed number 4 1/2 into an improper fraction.

4 1/2 = (4 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 9/2

Now, we can multiply the weight of the apples (9/2 pounds) by the price per pound ($1.75).

(9/2) * $1.75 = (9 * $1.75) / 2 = $15.75 / 2

To simplify the division of dollars, we can express the $15.75 as a mixed number.

$15.75 = $7.50 + $7.50 + $1.75 = 3 * $5 + $1.75 = $16.75

So, Allison paid a total of $16.75 for the 4 1/2 pounds of apples. Answer: \boxed{16.75}.

wrong these are the options available:

A $7.88
B $10.75
C $2.75
D $2.57

To find out how much Allison paid for the 4 1/2 pounds of apples, we need to multiply the weight of the apples by the price per pound.

The price per pound is $1.75, and the weight of the apples is 4 1/2 pounds.

To add the whole number and fraction, we need to convert the whole number to a fraction.

4 = 4/1

Now we can add the fractions:

4/1 + 1/2 = 8/2 + 1/2 = 9/2

Next, we multiply the weight of the apples (9/2 pounds) by the price per pound ($1.75).

(9/2) * $1.75 = (9 * $1.75) / 2 = $15.75 / 2 = $7.88

Therefore, Allison paid $7.88 for the 4 1/2 pounds of apples. Answer: A) $7.88.