Earth's Energy Systems Unit Test

2 of 132 of 13 Items
Select the best answer. Which statement is true about all convection currents?(1 point)

It results to formation of valleys and hills.
It results to formation of valleys and hills.

It causes earthquakes.
It causes earthquakes.

It is made possible by heat and pressure.
It is made possible by heat and pressure.

It happen in all layers of the Earth.
It happen in all layers of the Earth.
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The correct answer is: It is made possible by heat and pressure.

The correct answer is:

It is made possible by heat and pressure.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand what convection currents are and how they work.

Convection currents are the movement of a fluid, such as a gas or a liquid, caused by differences in temperature and density. In the case of Earth, convection currents occur in the mantle, the layer of hot, semi-solid rock beneath the Earth's crust.

Now, let's evaluate each statement:

1. It results in the formation of valleys and hills.
This statement is not true about all convection currents. Convection currents do not directly result in the formation of valleys and hills on the Earth's surface.

2. It causes earthquakes.
While convection currents in the mantle can indirectly affect the Earth's crust, leading to geological activity, such as plate tectonics and the movement of tectonic plates, it is not accurate to say that convection currents directly cause earthquakes.

3. It is made possible by heat and pressure.
This statement is true. Convection currents are possible because of the heat generated by the Earth's core and the pressure exerted on the semi-solid rock in the mantle.

4. It happens in all layers of the Earth.
This statement is not true. Convection currents primarily occur in the mantle, which is the layer directly beneath the Earth's crust. While other processes, such as convection currents in the atmosphere or oceans, occur in other layers of the Earth, the question specifically asks about convection currents in general.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
- It is made possible by heat and pressure.