John earns $500 in a work week. A regular work week for John consists of 5 work days with 8 hours a day. How much does John earn each hour?

$10.50 an hour

$11.00 an hour

$12.50 an hour

$13.00 an hour

To calculate how much John earns per hour, we need to divide his total earnings for the week by the total number of hours he works.

The total number of hours John works in a week is 5 days * 8 hours/day = <<5*8=40>>40 hours.

So, John earns $500 / 40 hours = $<<500/40=12.50>>12.50 per hour.

Therefore, the correct answer is $12.50 an hour.

To find out how much John earns per hour, we need to divide his weekly earnings by the total number of hours he works in a week.

John works 5 days in a week, and each day he works for 8 hours, which gives us a total of 5 x 8 = 40 hours in a week.

To calculate John's hourly earnings, we divide his weekly earnings of $500 by the total number of hours he works in a week (40):

$500 รท 40 = $12.50

Therefore, John earns $12.50 per hour. So the correct answer is option C: $12.50 an hour.

To find out how much John earns per hour, we need to divide his weekly earnings by the total number of hours he works in a week.

First, let's calculate the total number of work hours John works in a week. John works 5 work days with 8 hours each day, so the total number of work hours is 5 * 8 = 40 hours.

Now let's divide John's weekly earnings of $500 by the total number of work hours, which is $500 / 40 hours = $12.50 an hour.

Therefore, John earns $12.50 an hour. So the correct answer is:

$12.50 an hour