Of the following, who emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support?

a Crispus Attucks
b John Adams
c Samuel Adams
d George Grenville

c Samuel Adams

The correct answer is c) Samuel Adams.

To determine which of the options emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support, we need to examine the role of each individual during the colonial period.

a) Crispus Attucks: Crispus Attucks was an African-American man who played a significant role in the events leading up to the American Revolution. He was one of the victims of the Boston Massacre in 1770, where he was killed by British soldiers. While Attucks was an important figure in the events that sparked colonial tensions, he did not emerge as a strong leader or organizer of colonial protests and public support.

b) John Adams: John Adams was a lawyer and politician who played a vital role in the American Revolution. Although he is known for his involvement in drafting the Declaration of Independence and serving as the second President of the United States, he did not primarily emerge as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support.

c) Samuel Adams: Samuel Adams is widely recognized as a significant figure in the American Revolution and the constitutional period that followed. He played a crucial role in organizing and leading protests against British taxation and trade policies. Samuel Adams was instrumental in establishing the Committees of Correspondence, which played a vital role in coordinating the early resistance movements against the British rule. He can be considered as the strongest leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support among the options given.

d) George Grenville: George Grenville was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of Great Britain. He is primarily associated with implementing a series of tax policies, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, which ignited colonial anger and dissent. While Grenville was significant in terms of his role in imposing these taxes, he did not emerge as a strong leader or organizer of colonial protests and public support.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) Samuel Adams, as he emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support.