The National Parks Service occasionally conducts controlled burns. How do these decrease the number of forest fires?(2 points) Responses

By destroying all trees so no forest fires are possible. By destroying all trees so no forest fires are possible. By removing small plants that provide fuel for fires.

By removing small plants that provide fuel for fires.

By getting rid of plants near buildings so they will not burn down. By getting rid of plants near buildings so they will not burn down.

By shutting down parks so people can't accidentally start fires.

By removing small plants that provide fuel for fires and by getting rid of plants near buildings so they will not burn down. Controlled burns help reduce the amount of flammable vegetation in a specific area, decreasing the potential fuel for wildfires. Additionally, by managing the vegetation near buildings, the risk of fires spreading to structures is reduced.

Controlled burns conducted by the National Parks Service decrease the number of forest fires through the following ways:

1. By removing small plants that provide fuel for fires: Controlled burns target the underbrush, dead leaves, and debris on the forest floor, which may act as highly flammable fuel for fires. By reducing the amount of fuel available, controlled burns can help prevent the rapid spread of wildfires.

2. By getting rid of plants near buildings so they will not burn down: Controlled burns can be used to create defensible space around buildings by removing vegetation that could potentially ignite and lead to the destruction of structures. This proactive measure reduces the risk of wildfires reaching and impacting nearby buildings.

It is important to note that controlled burns are carefully planned and executed by trained professionals to ensure the safety of both the natural environment and nearby communities.

The correct response is:

By removing small plants that provide fuel for fires.

Controlled burns are a proactive measure used by the National Parks Service to decrease the risk and severity of forest fires. These controlled burns involve intentionally setting fires under controlled conditions to burn off small plants and brush. Removing these small plants through controlled burns reduces the amount of fuel available to support a potential wildfire. By decreasing the amount of fuel, the controlled burns help to prevent the rapid spread and intensity of forest fires. This practice is an essential part of forest management and helps to maintain the overall health and safety of the ecosystem.