In what phase do mosses spend most of their life cycle? (1 point)



The correct response is gametophyte.

Mosses spend most of their life cycle in the gametophyte phase.

The phase in which mosses spend most of their life cycle is the gametophyte phase. To arrive at this answer, you can break down the moss life cycle and understand the different phases involved:

1. Mosses have a life cycle that alternates between two generations: the gametophyte generation and the sporophyte generation.

2. The gametophyte generation is the dominant and most recognizable phase of the moss life cycle. It is the phase where the gametophyte, or the haploid (having one set of chromosomes) form of the plant, is present. The gametophyte produces gametes (reproductive cells) that fuse during sexual reproduction.

3. On the other hand, the sporophyte generation is the result of the fusion of gametes during fertilization. It is the diploid (having two sets of chromosomes) form of the plant and is smaller and less recognizable than the gametophyte generation. The sporophyte produces spores.

Now, knowing that mosses spend most of their life cycle in the gametophyte phase, the correct response is "gametophyte".