Give me a short essay direction, topic sentence and concluding sentence for the following paragraph

As the Storm and Stress movement influenced the Romantic period, there were some similarities between these two movements. In Romanticism, both grotesque and ideal subject matters were acceptable to be staged, and were often depicted in supernatural ways. Although the Romantics made use of Shakespeare's episodic structure, they did not make use of all of his methods. Instead of creating convincing narratives or character dimension, such as Shakespeare did, they rather focused on creating a mood or atmosphere. Similar to the Storm and Stress movement, Romantics also liked to mix genres and they addressed themes such as liberty and freedom that mirrored this particular era. Rather than following the rules, the Romantics pushed the boundaries, rejecting traditional creative categorizations and aesthetic norms in the process (Wilson & Goldfarb, 2004:363). Other characteristics of Romanticism focused on themes of nature and extreme emotions of an individual (Ogoto.home Editors, n.d.:3 of 6) The mixing of genres becomes prevalent in Faust, as it is a tragic story according to Goethe, even though the story has a happy ending where Faust goes to heaven when he dies. In Faust the supernatural elements of Romanticism become clear, as the first scene is set in heaven, there are supernatural characters such as the devil which Faust makes a pact with to sell his soul to. Instead of depicting realistic everyday life through logical and normal characters, Faust explores the abnormal by depicting Faust as a character that does not follow the rules and norms that are followed or set out by others. Faust's fascination with astrology addresses the theme of nature, which the Romantic period's plays normally did. Faust's intense desire and passion for knowledge and his incredible frustration when he is unable to understand the outcome of his experiment, can be seen as a reflection of an individuals' extreme emotions, which were used in plays during the Romantic period. These emotions, therefore, set the mood of these scene in Faust, rather than creating a believable narrative.

Topic Sentence: The Romantics' rejection of traditional creative categorizations and aesthetic norms is evident in their focus on creating a mood or atmosphere rather than convincing narratives or character dimension.

Concluding Sentence: By pushing the boundaries and embracing a mix of genres, the Romantics mirrored the characteristics of the Storm and Stress movement, addressing themes of liberty and freedom while exploring extreme emotions and the power of nature.

Essay Direction: This paragraph explores the similarities between the Romantic period and the Storm and Stress movement. It specifically focuses on how both movements embraced supernatural elements, mixed genres, and addressed themes of liberty and freedom. It further analyzes the play "Faust" by Goethe as an example of Romanticism, highlighting the mixing of genres, supernatural elements, and intense emotions.

Topic Sentence: Both the Romantic period and the Storm and Stress movement shared common characteristics, such as the acceptance of grotesque and ideal subject matters, the incorporation of supernatural elements, the mixing of genres, and the exploration of themes related to liberty and freedom.

Concluding Sentence: Through the analysis of Goethe's play "Faust," it is evident that the Romantics pushed the boundaries of traditional creative categorizations and aesthetic norms, focusing on creating a mood rather than a believable narrative, and expressing extreme emotions that reflected the individual's desires and frustrations.

Direction: This paragraph discusses the similarities between the Storm and Stress movement and Romanticism, specifically focusing on their approach to subject matter, genres, and themes. It also analyzes how these characteristics are manifested in Goethe's play, Faust.

Topic Sentence: The Storm and Stress movement and Romanticism share similarities in their acceptance of grotesque and ideal subject matters, their tendency to mix genres, and their exploration of themes centered around nature and extreme emotions.

Concluding Sentence: Through the portrayal of supernatural elements, the rejection of traditional norms, and the depiction of Faust's intense emotions, Goethe's Faust exemplifies the characteristics of Romanticism, revealing its parallel to the Storm and Stress movement.