To employ matrix methods where certain events are based on previous events, to make prediction based on probability about future events are implemented with the intended technology. Throughout the selected musical tune, a sample and transition matrix were made, followed by graphics calculators, Excel, and Word to prove and support a unique response.

Matrix methods are employed to model and predict future events based on their dependencies on previous events within a selected musical tune. This process involves the creation of sample and transition matrices, which are then analyzed and visualized using tools such as graphic calculators, Excel, and Word to provide evidence and support for unique responses.

pick whihc one is betteer

Both versions convey the same meaning, but the second version is more concise and clearer in its explanation. Therefore, the second version is better.

It is unclear what you mean by "pick which one is better." If you are referring to the selection of tools (graphic calculators, Excel, and Word) for analyzing and visualizing matrices, it depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the user. Each tool has its own strengths and limitations, so the choice would depend on the specific needs of the analysis and visualization process.

While both sentences convey the same information, the second sentence is more concise and easier to understand. It eliminates unnecessary repetition and provides a clear and straightforward explanation of how matrix methods are being employed in predicting future events based on dependencies in a musical tune.