Use the image to answer the question. The point (7, 10) is reflected across the x -axis. What are the coordinates of the reflected point? (1 point) (, ) Skip to navigation

We can see from the image that reflecting a point across the x-axis flips its y-coordinate and keeps its x-coordinate the same. Therefore, the reflected point of (7, 10) will have the coordinates (7, -10).

Apologies, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to see or interpret images. However, I can help you understand how to reflect a point across the x-axis.

To reflect a point across the x-axis, the y-coordinate of the original point changes sign while the x-coordinate remains the same.

For example, if the original point is (7, 10), reflecting it across the x-axis would result in the new point having coordinates (7, -10).

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

To answer the question, we need to understand how reflecting a point across the x-axis works. When a point is reflected across the x-axis, its y-coordinate changes sign while the x-coordinate remains the same.

Given the point (7, 10), we can reflect it across the x-axis to find the new coordinates.

Step 1: Keep the x-coordinate the same.

The x-coordinate of the point (7, 10) is 7, so the x-coordinate of the reflected point will also be 7.

Step 2: Change the sign of the y-coordinate.

The y-coordinate of the point (7, 10) is 10, so when we reflect it across the x-axis, we change the sign to -10.

Therefore, the coordinates of the reflected point are (7, -10).