Which of the following sentences correctly uses parallel structure?

a) In the scientific method, you propose a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, analyze the data, and you end with a reporting of your findings.

b) The scientific method consists of proposing your hypothesis, conducting your experiment, analyzing your data, and reporting your findings.

c) The scientific method begins with a hypothesis, continues with an experiment, then analyzing data, and reporting findings.

d) To correctly follow the scientific method, you must hypothesize, experiment, analyze, and reporting your findings.

b) The scientific method consists of proposing your hypothesis, conducting your experiment, analyzing your data, and reporting your findings.

The correct sentence that uses parallel structure is option b) "The scientific method consists of proposing your hypothesis, conducting your experiment, analyzing your data, and reporting your findings."

The correct sentence that uses parallel structure is:

b) The scientific method consists of proposing your hypothesis, conducting your experiment, analyzing your data, and reporting your findings.

Parallel structure refers to using the same grammatical structure for similar elements within a sentence or a list. In this case, the elements are the actions involved in the scientific method.

Option a) doesn't use parallel structure because the last action "you end with a reporting of your findings" does not match the grammatical structure of the previous actions.

Option c) is also incorrect because it mixes different verb forms. It starts with "begins with a hypothesis", then uses "continues with an experiment", and finally switches to "analyzing data" and "reporting findings."

Option d) is incorrect because it does not maintain consistency in verb form. It uses "hypothesize, experiment, analyze," but then switches to "reporting your findings."

Option b) is the correct answer because it uses parallel structure by maintaining the same verb form for all the actions involved in the scientific method: "proposing your hypothesis, conducting your experiment, analyzing your data, and reporting your findings."