What is are the positive,comparative,superlative of the following:farther,foolish,little,pretty,much,few, anxiou,quiet ,bad,many

The positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the listed adjectives are as follows:

1. Farther:
- Positive: Far
- Comparative: Farther
- Superlative: Farthest

2. Foolish:
- Positive: Foolish
- Comparative: More foolish
- Superlative: Most foolish

3. Little:
- Positive: Little
- Comparative: Smaller
- Superlative: Smallest

4. Pretty:
- Positive: Pretty
- Comparative: Prettier
- Superlative: Prettiest

5. Much:
- Positive: Much
- Comparative: More
- Superlative: Most

6. Few:
- Positive: Few
- Comparative: Fewer
- Superlative: Fewest

7. Anxious:
- Positive: Anxious
- Comparative: More anxious
- Superlative: Most anxious

8. Quiet:
- Positive: Quiet
- Comparative: Quieter
- Superlative: Quietest

9. Bad:
- Positive: Bad
- Comparative: Worse
- Superlative: Worst

10. Many:
- Positive: Many
- Comparative: More
- Superlative: Most

The positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjectives you have mentioned are:

1. Farther: positive - far, comparative - farther, superlative - farthest
2. Foolish: positive - foolish, comparative - more foolish, superlative - most foolish
3. Little: positive - little, comparative - less, superlative - least
4. Pretty: positive - pretty, comparative - prettier, superlative - prettiest
5. Much: positive - much, comparative - more, superlative - most
6. Few: positive - few, comparative - fewer, superlative - fewest
7. Anxious: positive - anxious, comparative - more anxious, superlative - most anxious
8. Quiet: positive - quiet, comparative - quieter, superlative - quietest
9. Bad: positive - bad, comparative - worse, superlative - worst
10. Many: positive - many, comparative - more, superlative - most

To find the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of adjectives, we often use different suffixes or modify the adjective in a specific way. Let's go through each of the adjectives you mentioned:

1. Farther:
- Positive: far
- Comparative: farther
- Superlative: farthest

2. Foolish:
- Positive: foolish
- Comparative: more foolish
- Superlative: most foolish

3. Little:
- Positive: little
- Comparative: littler/smaller (both forms are acceptable)
- Superlative: littlest/smallest (both forms are acceptable)

4. Pretty:
- Positive: pretty
- Comparative: prettier
- Superlative: prettiest

5. Much:
- Positive: much
- Comparative: more
- Superlative: most

6. Few:
- Positive: few
- Comparative: fewer
- Superlative: fewest

7. Anxious:
- Positive: anxious
- Comparative: more anxious
- Superlative: most anxious

8. Quiet:
- Positive: quiet
- Comparative: quieter
- Superlative: quietest

9. Bad:
- Positive: bad
- Comparative: worse
- Superlative: worst

10. Many:
- Positive: many
- Comparative: more
- Superlative: most

Remember that not all adjectives follow the same rules, and some may have irregular comparative and superlative forms. However, this should give you a general understanding of how to form them.