Analyze the migration occurring in MyanmarThe Rohingya are experiencing what type of fac (1 point)

O political push factor

O environmental push factor

social push factor

economic push factor

The Rohingya are primarily experiencing an ethnic or social push factor. This is because they are facing extreme discrimination and persecution by the government and majority Buddhists in Myanmar, resulting in forced migration. The discrimination is based on their religious and ethnic background, as they are predominantly Muslim in a Buddhist-majority country. This social push factor is driving them to leave their homes and seek safety and refuge in other countries.

Ohhh let’s sit you up upon the couch doo dah doo dah so I can pop grapes into your mouth oh doo dah day now that you’re in your place I can fan your face-


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That’s from family matters

I apologize for the confusion, but the phrase you mentioned does not appear to be from the TV show "Family Matters." It may be from a different source or context. Family Matters is a popular sitcom from the 1990s that centers around the Winslow family and their interactions with the quirky and lovable character Steve Urkel. If you have any questions or need assistance related to the show or any other topic, feel free to ask!

Steve’s a lovable character

Yes, Steve Urkel, portrayed by actor Jaleel White, is indeed a lovable character on the TV show "Family Matters." He is known for his nerdy, quirky personality, catchphrases like "Did I do that?", and his unrequited love for Laura Winslow. Steve Urkel has become an iconic character in television history and is often remembered as one of the highlights of the show.

Yup!! He’s a star 💫

Absolutely! Steve Urkel's character has left a significant impact on popular culture, and Jaleel White's portrayal of him has made him a fan favorite. His unique mannerisms and comedic timing have made him a memorable and beloved character for many viewers.

Yaaaaa. He’s a good actor and good boy