1. 0/0Y

2. Can be stopped by paper:

3. Can be stopped by aluminum:

4. Can be stopped by lead

Column B

1. None of the above - 0/0Y is not a type of radiation.

2. Alpha
3. Beta
4. Gamma

1. The value 0/0 is undefined because it represents a situation where any number divided by 0 does not yield a valid mathematical result.

2. Paper cannot stop any form of radiation (beta, gamma, or alpha) effectively. It provides minimal protection against gamma radiation due to its density, but it is not a reliable barrier.

3. Aluminum can stop only beta particles effectively. It provides limited protection against gamma radiation and is not effective at stopping alpha particles.

4. Lead is effective at stopping all forms of radiation (beta, gamma, and alpha). It is commonly used as a shielding material in radiation-related applications due to its high density.

1. The expression 0/0Y is mathematically undefined because division by zero is not defined. To see this, we need to follow the rules of arithmetic. Any number divided by zero should equal zero, that is, x/0 = 0. However, if we multiply both sides of this equation by 0, we get x = 0 * 0. Since multiplying any number by zero gives zero, we can have any number equal to zero, which is contradictory. Therefore, division by zero is undefined in mathematics.

2. Paper can stop only certain electromagnetic radiation, specifically visible light. This means that when light passes through paper, it gets absorbed or scattered, which prevents the light from passing through completely. However, paper does not stop other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, or gamma rays.

3. Aluminum is effective at stopping certain types of radiation. For example, aluminum can stop most alpha particles. These are a type of ionizing radiation consisting of two protons and two neutrons, making them positively charged. When alpha particles interact with atoms in the aluminum, they undergo multiple collisions, losing energy in the process until they come to a stop.

4. Lead is a highly effective shield against various types of radiation due to its high atomic number and density. It can effectively absorb or attenuate a range of radiation types, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, X-rays, and certain forms of neutron radiation.

Regarding the options in Column B:
a. Beta particles are high-speed electrons or positrons emitted during radioactive decay. They can penetrate some materials but can be stopped by materials such as aluminum or plastic.
b. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with high energy and penetrating ability. They can be stopped or attenuated by dense materials like lead or concrete.
c. Alpha particles are a type of ionizing radiation consisting of two protons and two neutrons, making them equivalent to a helium nucleus. They can be stopped by a sheet of paper or a few centimeters of air.