41000 x 0.002

The multiplication of 41000 and 0.002 is equal to 82.

To calculate 41000 multiplied by 0.002, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 41000 by 0.002:
41000 x 0.002 = 82

Therefore, 41000 multiplied by 0.002 is equal to 82.

To calculate 41000 multiplied by 0.002, you simply multiply the two numbers together. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the numbers you want to multiply - 41000 and 0.002.

Step 2: Multiply the two numbers together.

To multiply a whole number by a decimal, you can ignore the decimal point initially and perform the multiplication as if it were a whole number. Then, adjust the decimal point in the final answer, considering the number of decimal places in the decimal factor.

In this case, ignoring the decimal point, multiply 41000 by 2:
41000 x 2 = 82000.

Step 3: Adjust the decimal point in the final answer.

Since 0.002 has three decimal places, you need to move the decimal point three places to the left in your answer:
82000 becomes 82.000.

Therefore, 41000 x 0.002 equals 82.000.