Where are nonmetals located in the periodic table?


along the upper left side

along the upper left side

along the upper right side

along the upper right side

in the middle

in the middle

along the bottom

along the upper right side

Nonmetals are located along the upper right side of the periodic table.

Nonmetals are located along the upper right side of the periodic table. To find the position of nonmetals on the periodic table, you can follow these steps:

1. Locate the periodic table: The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements. It is usually displayed in a grid format.

2. Look for the stair-step line: On the periodic table, there is a stair-step line that starts below boron (B) and continues across to astatine (At). This line separates the elements into metals on the left side and nonmetals on the right side.

3. Locate the upper-right side: Nonmetals are found along the upper right side of the stair-step line. This includes elements like hydrogen (H), carbon (C), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), fluorine (F), and many others.

Remember, the periodic table can vary in its organization and layout, but the general placement of nonmetals along the upper right side remains the same.