single misspelled word in a sentence can turn it into nonsense. These days, students do not put in the effort to check the spelling in their papers. They rely too much on computers to correct misspelled words for them. Most often, words are misspelled because they sound similar such as in the case of homophones. (Homophones are words that share the same pronunciation. However, they differ in definition and sometimes spelling.)

Although homophones can make spelling more difficult, anyone with patience can spell like a pro. The best way to learn how to spell correctly is to carefully look at how the word is used in the sentence. Another way is to read more books and to look up definitions in the dictionary. Though these are only a few suggestions, they definitely will help improve grades.

This passage is most likely written from whose point of view?
A. a performer
B. a programmer
C. an illustrator
D. a professor

D. a professor

D. a professor

To determine the point of view from which the passage is written, we need to analyze the tone and content of the passage. In this case, the passage discusses the topic of misspelled words, students' reliance on computers for spelling correction, and the importance of checking spelling in papers. It also provides suggestions on how to improve spelling.

Based on this information, it is reasonable to infer that the passage is written from the point of view of someone who is concerned about the decline in spelling accuracy among students and is providing guidance on how to improve spelling skills.

Therefore, the most appropriate choice is D. a professor, as professors often have a vested interest in students' academic performance and might provide guidance on improving skills.